
●目次 まえがき 東急不動産を提訴  東急不動産の弁論欠席  弁論準備手続開始 東急不動産の証拠改竄を指摘  東急不動産の図面集捏造に反論  倉庫との虚偽説明を糾弾 アルス東陽町での進行協議  証人尋問  地上げ屋の証言  原告への陰湿な攻撃 東急不動産従業員の証言  偽りの和解協議  東急不動産の卑劣な提案  予定調和の協議決裂 東急不動産に勝訴  東急不動産の遅過ぎたお詫び  耐震強度偽装事件と欠陥施工  勝訴の影響 社会正義の実現のために


書名:東急不動産だまし売り裁判 : こうして勝った

書名カナ:トウキュウ フドウサン ダマシウリ サイバン : コウシテ カッタ

著者:林田 力


縦190mm  110ページ





ISBN 139784904350133

ISBN 10h4-904350-13-8

ISBN 104904350138



The Suit TOKYU Land Corporation's Fraud: How to Win
The author (= plaintiff), who was defrauded by Tokyu Land Corporation (Tokyu Livable, sales agent) into selling a problem property by concealing disadvantageous facts, rescinded the sales contract based on the Consumer Contract Act and recovered the sales price through a lawsuit (Tokyu Land Consumer Contract Act Violation Lawsuit, Tokyo District Court, August 30, 2006, judgment No. 2005 (W) 3018). This is a record of the battle to recover the purchase price.
Carefully reproduces the tense exchanges between the parties and the judge at the trial. There is the drama of an individual's fight against a large, dishonest corporation! 
The aftermath of the seismic strength disguise case, which came to light in parallel with the trial, defective construction, and sloppy management by Tokyu Community, the management company, are also mentioned to reveal the reality of the condominium problem, which is becoming more and more serious.
For the realization of social justice. The author, who was deceived by Tokyu Land Corporation into selling a problem property by concealing unfavorable facts, records his struggle to rescind the sales contract based on the Consumer Contract Act and to recover the sales price in court.
Filing a lawsuit against Tokyu Land Corporation
Tokyu Land does not present its case
Commencement of preparatory proceedings
Tokyu Land's falsification of evidence was pointed out.
Refuted Tokyu Land's fabrication of drawings
Denounced the false explanation of the warehouse
Proceeding conference at Ars Toyocho
Examination of witnesses
Testimony of the land developer
Insidious attacks on plaintiffs
Testimony of Tokyu Land employee
False settlement discussions
Tokyu Land's sneaky proposal
Scheduled breakdown of talks
Victory over Tokyu Land Corporation
Tokyu Land's belated apology
Falsification of earthquake resistance strength and defective construction
Impact of the Victory
For the Realization of Social Justice


